Council #551

1508 12th Ave, Altoona, PA 16601, United States
phone 814 942-6262 Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm Before the meeting a Rosary is prayed starting at 7:30 pm. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anchor Newsletter for June 2010


My Dear Brother Knights:

Another Fraternal Year has come to a close and what a fine one it was!! We have five new officers here at 551. This a good sign that more members are getting active in our Council. On June 3rd, we held our election of officers with 30 members present. Your new officers for the 2010-2011 Fraternal Year are: Mike Moloney, Grand Knight; Frank Misitano, Deputy Grand Knight; Joe Tomlinson, Chancellor; Justin Wiley, Recorder; Kevin Byrne, Treasurer; Bill Crawford, Advocate; Keegan Allen, Warden; Terry Anderson, Inside Guard; Ron Smith, Outside Guard; Denny Irwin, 3-Year Trustee; John Kasun, 2-Year Trustee; and Rick Tomlinson, 1-Year Trustee. Mike Allen was appointed Lecturer and our other two appointed positions remained the same: Msgr. Robert Mazur as Chaplain & Frank Goss as Financial Secretary. I’m looking forward to working with all of you in the year to come. Also, thanks to the outgoing officers for a job well done.

One other item I would like to address is the ongoing notion that our Council is simply “a Good Old Boys” drinking club. Well, I am sick and tired of hearing this description of our club because it is simply not true!! I have heard this recently again from a few people. Let me be clear: we DO NOT recruit new members for bar patrons. We do not run “a bar.” Our bar is a convenience for our members. If you hear this description of our club, please do your part to discourage this way of thinking. Ask them to come and visit our club and see what we do, or better yet, give them my number (946-0868) and I’ll be glad to discuss the many wonderful things we do as Knights!!

See all of you at our July 1st meeting at 8 PM.




We will be hosting a “Knights of Columbus Night at the Curve” at the Blair County Ballpark on Sunday, July 11th. The game will start at 6 PM with the Curve facing the Richmond Flying Squirrels (San Francisco Giants Affiliate). Our GK, Mike Moloney, will be throwing out the first (wild) pitch. Brother Rick Tomlinson has been patiently warming up with Mike in the basement for his debut on the mound. So far, only 2 broken windows and one black eye. Tickets are $7.00 and need to be ordered as soon as possible. If you are interested in attending this historic event, please call the Council Home today at 942-6262 and let us know how many tickets you need, leave a message if no one answers. Mike can also be reached at 946-0868. There will also be a postgame Fireworks display following the game (contrary to popular belief, Mike won’t have anything to do with the fireworks). Several other Councils in the area will be in attendance as well. Bring your family & friends and join in the fun!!!!


Our 2nd Annual Golf Outing was held on May 15th at the Park Hills Country Club and was a huge success. Brother Terry Anderson started this event last year and has served as chairman for the event in both years. All monies raised by the outing are used for our charitable endeavors and donations throughout the year. This year we raised $1903 while enjoying a beautiful day and the good company of all those who played. Special thanks to Terry for spearheading this event. When asked about the event, Terry said: “I want to say thank you to all those that helped and played in the 2nd Annual K of C Council 551 Golf Tournament. We were blessed with a beautiful day, a full field, and a fantastic meal prepared by Joe & Dana Tomlinson, Linda Yaskow, Kathy Grove, and Bobby Martino. Whether you helped with the meal, volunteered in the kitchen, on the course, with set-up or tear-down, got donations, sponsors or teams, or just played, please know that I am truly grateful for all of your help. I know that I forgot to thank a ton of people that night, so I wanted you all to know that I am very appreciative of all your efforts. You made it a great event. I look forward to an even better one next year! Looking forward to the 2011 event, I plan to have a general organizational meeting sometime in the Fall. Look for more details in the Anchor later in the summer. If anyone has any questions or suggestions for next year’s event, please feel free to call me at 932-0465. Thanks so much!!”


Many thanks to all those who volunteered to collect for the ARC at our local parishes. Through your time and efforts, we were able to raise nearly $2000 for the ARC of Blair County. All monies raised will be turned over directly to the ARC in Blair County for use in their many programs as they strive “To improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through advocacy, education, support and socialization.”


Our rental at 1506 is now 100% complete and awaiting a new tenant. It has been completely renovated. $450/month gets you a downtown storefront with heat and water included. A 1-year lease is required. If you know anyone who is in need of downtown office space have them call the Council at 942-6262 or Joe Tomlinson at 931-4424.


We still have some outstanding payments from our last hoagie sale as well as our Golf Shirt sale. If you have not yet paid for either of these two items, please do so ASAP, it is appreciated.


On May 22nd, we cleaned up between our building and the neighboring buildings. Many of the usual suspects turned out to help, but we also had several newer members join in as well. Thanks to all who took time out of their busy Saturday to help get this done quickly. Special thanks to Brother Joe Jaronieski for the use of his dump truck.


Our 2nd Annual Car Wash will be held sometime in July. GK Moloney is finalizing all the details for this event. Specifics will be communicated at July’s meeting and July’s Anchor.


Our 9th Supreme Knight, John E. Swift (1945-1953) crusaded against communism as Supreme Knight at the onset of the Cold War. Swift led the Order’s 1946 “Crusade for the Preservation & Promotion of American Ideals.” A program President Truman endorsed with hopes that the entire membership would “join in support of, with zeal and enthusiasm.” Swift also established the Order’s $1 Million Educational Trust Fund for the children of members killed or disabled while serving in the Armed Forces during WWII. During his term, membership surpassed 800,000. Swift also had a noteworthy Massachusetts legal career. He maintained a general practice for 30 years in Boston and was appointed to the bench of the Massachusetts Supreme Court in 1933, serving until his retirement in 1967.


Our social room will be open for your enjoyment every Friday, beginning at 7 PM. Stop by and take advantage of the air conditioning and enjoy a cold beverage of your choice.

Dates to Remember

Today………………………………………………Order your Curve Tickets for July 11th

June 14……………………………………………Flag Day

June 20……………………………………………Father’s Day

July 1………………………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting, 8 PM

July 4………………………………………………Independence Day

July 11……………………………………………KofC Night at the Curve

August 5…………………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting, 8 PM

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