Council #551

1508 12th Ave, Altoona, PA 16601, United States
phone 814 942-6262 Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm Before the meeting a Rosary is prayed starting at 7:30 pm. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anchor Newsletter August 2010


My Dear Brother Knights:

Everything is wonderful here at 551. We will be busy here in the next few months with our activities. Many thanks for the countless efforts of our Brother Knights who are here time & time again to help out. I have also been mailing some extra Anchors each month to certain individuals who I would like to see reinstated. Unfortunately, if you are not on our active roster, you will not receive the monthly Anchor. Hopefully these former Brothers will read it and see what we are doing and what we have accomplished lately and will want to rejoin our ranks. I will continue to do this until the end of 2010. Anyone wishing to rejoin will be welcomed. We will only collect the current year’s dues of $20 and will waive the usual $7.50 reinstatement fee. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!!!




Brother Gary Sumpter has created a website for our Council. It can be found at This was a great idea on Gary’s part and we appreciate his efforts in maintaining the site at no cost to the Council. He is very dedicated to this project and is doing an excellent job. Way to go Gary!! As time goes on, you will be able to see pictures of Club activities, up to date information on projects and an on-line version of the Anchor. Next time you are on-line, take a look!!


Our 2nd Annual Car Wash will be held on Saturday, August 21 from 9 AM to 3 PM at Advance Auto Parts, 631 Pleasant Valley Blvd. Our own Tommy Edwards (Potopa) from Rocky 104.9 will again do a live remote broadcast from 10 AM until Noon. Cost will only be $5.00 per car and all proceeds will benefit the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. This charity was chosen in part because we have had four Brother Knights succumb to this horrible disease over the past year. Please do your part to help fund the search for a cure and get your car washed at the same time!! We would like to see as many Brothers come out and get their cars washed to support our efforts. Donations are welcome as well. If you are available, help is always appreciated. Also, Brother Ray Boslett will be serving up hot dogs and soda for $1.00 each. Bring your own coffee mug!!


Finally, our hard work on these units has paid off!! Our 2nd rental will be occupied by Bloom Yoga & Wellness beginning August 1 and will initially be under lease for 1 year. Thanks to all for their countless hours of hard work in this endeavor. The unit looks awesome. In addition, Bloom Yoga has agreed to provide one free session for Brothers Leo Winkler and Joe Gaeto at their convenience!!!


Speaking of Brother Gaeto, Joe has graciously donated his truck and trailer for us to use for a float in this year’s Christmas Parade. We haven’t done this in many years, so this will be another great way for us to get our name out in the public eye with no cost to our Council. Please plan now to get involved in designing and decorating the float. More details will be available in future Anchors. If you come up with any good ideas or suggestions, please watch for the planning meeting details. Thanks Joe!!


What a wonderful night for a ball game & the Knights of Columbus. We had 30 people in attendance from 551—members, friends & family. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the Knights. Overall, there were over 250 people there representing the Knights from the area Councils. Our GK, Mike Moloney: “I was honored to throw out the First Pitch representing our Council—the result was a 70 MPH Strike!! This was made possible by the patience & dedication of Brother Rick Tomlinson as he worked with me for over 2 weeks to get ready for my appearance. Thanks Rick and once again, sorry for the black eye. (Thanks to Brother Tom Strunk for donating a steak for Rick’s eye—you can barely see the mark.)” Plans are already in the works for next years event where Brother Dick Conrad will be singing the National Anthem—bring your ear plugs!!


As most of you know, Fr. Aron has been reassigned from the Cathedral to St. Joseph’s in Williamsburg. Fr. Aron has been an inspiration and a good friend to many of us here at 551 and will be deeply missed. We recently held a surprise going-away party for Father here at the Council. Fun was had by all!! Thanks to all who helped out—too many to name individually. Good luck and best wishes from Council 551. We hope to see you stop by in the future!!


Once again, we would like to thank all who help out here at the Club with all the little things that need fixed-up!! Our Council Home is looking great!! If anyone has some spare time, GK Moloney can find a small project for you to do!!


The State Council Football Sweepstakes tickets will be available soon, along with the C.O.A.L. (Chance Of A Lifetime) Tickets. Please do your part, whether buying or selling the tickets. Both provide a good return to our Council for our charitable activities in addition to the chance to win cash & prizes.


Many of you are probably not aware that Council 551 sponsors a Girls Softball Team. This is our second year of sponsoring the team and we look forward to continuing in the future. Recently, GK Moloney & his wife attended one of “our” games to cheer on the team. We defeated CWA by the score of 9-4. GK Moloney: “Upon introducing myself, the team was very appreciative to have someone from our organization in attendance. They thanked me many times for us sponsoring the team. What a wonderful bunch of girls! In addition, I almost broke my neck catching a foul ball. I did catch it and the girls were concerned and made sure I was OK. It will be signed by the team & will be on display at the Council Home. I did notice that they need a little help in the pitching area---maybe Rick & I can give them some pointers!!” Their current record is 4-6-1 and holding 3rd place in their division. In addition, Brother Charles Kimmen also sponsors a team. Their record is 11-0-0. Way to go Chuck!! The schedule is listed in the Altoona Mirror and games are held at either Mill Run Field or Garfield Park.



Thursday night is still the hot spot in Blair County at our Council Home. Stop in and say “hello”!! Usually we have some type of complimentary food or snacks available for your enjoyment in addition to a cold beverage!! We are open on Friday Night as well from 7 PM until ?? We plan to start offering refreshment specials on Friday’s in the near future. Watch future editions of the Anchor for more details.


Due to recent increases in our State Council assessments, we are considering an increase in our annual dues from $20/year to $25/year. If you have any questions or concerns, please attend our August meeting on 8/5 and be heard.


If you have a son or daughter beginning college in the fall of 2011, the State Council offers two scholarships in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese. Information on the Scholarships, as well as the application, can be found at In addition, you can find information on Knights sponsored Student Loans. Just another advantage of being a Knight!!


We have tentatively scheduled a First & Second Degree on Sunday, September 18 and a Third Degree on Sunday, October 17. If you have anyone interested in joining our organization, please have him complete a Form 100 and bring to our meeting on either 8/5 or 9/2 so we can get them in for these degrees. Form 100’s are available at the Council Home. More details on these Degrees will be available at our August meeting.


Our Third Annual Blue & White Mass to celebrate and thank those who put their lives on the line on a daily basis to serve and protect our society will be held on Saturday, September 11 at the 5 PM Mass at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Brother Leo Winkler is busy putting together all the plans for this celebration. We will need your help to make this our best celebration yet. If nothing else, please plan to attend Mass to show your support for our Council. If you are able to help with the reception following the Mass, please attend our regular meeting on August 5 to volunteer your time.


August 5……………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting, 8 PM, Upstairs Meeting Room

August 6-8…………………………………Cathedral Festival—Please help if available. Contact the

Parish directly if you can volunteer. 944-4603

August 7-15………………………………Knights of Columbus Family Week

August 12…………………………………Anniversary of the Birth of Fr. Michael J. McGivney..158 Years

August 14…………………………………Anniversary of the Death of Fr. McGivney..120 Years

August 15…………………………………Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 2………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting, 8 PM, Upstairs Meeting Room

September 11……………………………Blue & White Mass, 5 PM at the Cathedral

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