My Dear Brother Knights,
A trip down memory lane…. Recently, I’ve been recalling all the memories I have here at 551. I remember coming down to the Club as a child and watching my father and Brother Knights bowling on our lanes. I remember soda & chips and falling asleep on the old yellow sofa. I remember roaming the building and playing as kids with Frank Goss, Jr & Tony Boslett. I remember my godfather buying me a candy bar and slipping it to me after my father said “NO.” I remember the family picnics at Lakemont, Christmas Parties, Father & Son Breakfasts and downtown parades. When I joined in 1987 I immediately became active. I remember bartending on Thursday nights and my father & Frank Goss, Sr yelling at me for throwing out their “impregnated ice.” I remember the Saturday morning cleanings of the Council Home with my father, Frank Goss, Sr, Randy Shuma & Sam Coen (we always finished by 11 so we could have a nip.) I remember tournament week, bowling tournaments (some of them anyway) and Don Gallice with his camera. I remember pool leagues, pool & bowling banquets, stag picnics at Camp St. Leo. I remember taking all three of my Degrees upstairs and the meals afterwards. I remember bringing my children down on weekends, Michael Jr. standing on an empty cardboard box filling glasses with ice with his grandfather. I remember my daughter Jenny getting her head stuck in the bar railing, spilling her pop and quickly falling asleep on the chair.
So, I ask all of you to take a few minutes and think of a memory you have from our Council from the past. I’m sure you have plenty!! And, please don’t forget them!! There are lots more memories to be made in the future. Stop by and reflect with us…we are here every Thursday & Friday Night!!! If you have something special you’d like to see in future editions of the Anchor, please call the Club & let me know and we’ll fit it in!!!!
Our final hoagie sale of 2010 will be on Thursday, November 4. Hoagies are a bargain at $4 each. Order forms are available at the Club. ALL ORDERS **MUST** BE CALLED INTO THE CLUB BY 9 PM ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31. Please call the Council Home at 942-6262 to place your order. We will be building the hoagies on Wednesday, November 3 at 6 PM. We need all the help we can get, so if you are available, please plan to stop by the Club and help with the orders. Please buy or sell as many as you can!! Think about it: our hoagie is the best balanced sandwich you can eat! It contains the 4 basic food groups. Stay healthy---eat KofC hoagies!! Order for the whole family. Wives, you can have a night off from cooking!! Please help make this a successful sale!!! Thanks for your support.
At our regular council meeting on 10/7, the following Brother Knights were elected to serve a 2-year term on our Home Association Board of Directors: Keegan Allen, Kevin Byrne, Denny Irwin, Joe Tomlinson, and Rick Tomlinson. These gentlemen will join the remaining board members for the next year. The remaining members are Terry Anderson, Bill Crawford, Frank Goss and Ron Smith. The current Grand Knight is also automatically a member of the Board as well. The first meeting of the new board will be held on Sunday, October 31 at 7 PM. At this meeting the Board will elect new officers for the coming year. The Board is made up of nine elected members who serve alternating 2-year terms. If you have questions for the Board, please contact any of the Board members.
There will be a Pie Sale to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry at the Assumption Chapel. The pies are from the Pie Shoppe in Laughlintown and include an assorted variety of fruit and meringue pies as well as pumpkin rolls. All items will be sold for $8.00. Order forms will be available at our Council Home during October. The pies can be picked up at the Assumption Chapel on Saturday, November 13 between 10 AM and 2 PM. The last day to place orders is Thursday, October 28. Payment will be due at the time of pick-up. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.
These need to be turned in ASAP—sold or unsold. Thank you for your support in buying & selling these tickets. It’s not too late to buy either of these. Both of these ticket programs provide a financial boost to our Council with no downside. Stop by and drop yours off today!!!
We were able to raise $144 with our recent Hoss’s fundraiser night on September 26. Many of our Brother Knight’s and their families enjoyed a night out for dinner at Hoss’s. Thanks to all those who took advantage and dined at Hoss’s!! This program also has no cost nor downside to our Club. We simply receive a donation back from Hoss’s based on the amount of money spent on that day by our members. Thank you to DGK Frank Misitano for initiating and chairing this event. Way to go Frank!! Look for another Hoss’s night in the Spring.
Our home schedule for the rest of the Fall Season follows: October 20, November 10, and November 24. Matches start at 7 PM on these Wednesdays. Stop in and see our guys shoot. We thank Brother Knight Shawn Kelly for all of his efforts. Looking forward to next year.
Our annual Children’s Christmas Party will be held in December. More details on the exact date and time will be in next month’s Anchor.
2011 DUES
You will receive your annual dues notice sometime in December. Upon receipt, please pay your dues promptly as that enables us to pay our assessments in a timely manner.
October 31…………………………………… Happy Halloween!!
November 2……………………………………Election Day. Do your civic duty & vote!!
November 4……………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting @ 8 PM
November 7……………………………………Daylight Savings Time Ends, “Fall Back”
November 11…………………………………..Veteran’s Day…Thank a Vet!!
November 25…………………………………..Happy Thanksgiving!!
Council #551
- K of C Altoona Council #551
- 1508 12th Ave, Altoona, PA 16601, United States
- phone 814 942-6262 Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm Before the meeting a Rosary is prayed starting at 7:30 pm. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
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