My Dear Brother Knights,
Now that we are started into the New Year for our Council, I am happy to report that the cooperation of committees and members in general, has been far beyond my expectations. As a result, any problems that I have had recently seem simple with this fine help. The Council officers also have displayed their helpful spirit in various ways recently. As many of you Brothers know, our Council Home looks better every month and that is the result of a lot of hard work by many of our members. It seems that I am always thanking some officer or member, either in the Anchor or in person and at this time, my gratitude goes to the men who have been so helpful with our building upkeep. Trusting that we may have continued success during the remaining months of this year, I remain…
Sincerely and Fraternally Yours,
We are now open on Friday Nights from 7 PM til ?? Brother Ed Eaton has donated a DVD Player for our Big Screen TV. We usually watch a movie commencing at 9 PM. Light snacks and popcorn are always available and sometimes we have sandwiches as well. So, if you have a favorite movie on DVD, bring it down for others to enjoy also. Our Friday Night bartenders are Brothers Ed Eaton and Glenn Lunger. Both do an excellent job and never miss a Friday. GK Moloney is usually in attendance and you can always count on a 10 PM appearance by Brother JJ O’Donnell. All are welcome!! If you’re looking for something to do on a Friday, stop by & check us out!!
In conjunction with the Daughters of Isabella, Council 551 is co-sponsoring a “Shamrock Basket Bingo” on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at Fr Kelley Hall at St. Therese’s Parish. Tickets are available at the Council Home or by contacting Rick & Lori Tomlinson at 684-0789. Two different ticket packages are available. The prizes for the bingo are Longaberger Baskets from the famous Longaberger Company in Dresden, Ohio. We are in need of donations of items to fill the baskets or cash donations to buy items to fill the baskets. If you are able to donate anything, please contact the club or Rick or Lori at the above number. In addition, we need Knights to help work during the Bingo. Please consider donating a few hours of your time for an enjoyable evening!!
Our pool league has started again under the direction of Brother Shawn Kelley. Our home matches are Feb 16, March 9, March 30, April 13, April 20, and May 5. The matches start at 7 PM on those Wednesday nights. We have some sharp shooters from our Council. This is a fun night, so stop down and cheer our guys on!! Special thanks to Brother Joe Tomlinson for opening up and serving as bartender on pool nights!
To date, we have raised $955.00 toward the cost of this project. The estimated cost to get the lanes back in operating condition is approximately $2000. We are reaching our goal far sooner than we expected. We will be planning a basement clean-up in the near future. Brother Dave Horell has donated all the paint and supplies so we can give every room a fresh coat of paint and we will be able to scrub and seal the floor as well. Kim Moloney has graciously volunteered to wash (or perhaps burn) the curtains as well. We are also looking to replace the ceiling tiles. We will probably get started on the cleaning when the weather breaks. By the way, Brother Joe Gaeto, we would like to have our “Special Deck of Cards” back that we used when we bowled many years ago!! Special thanks to Brothers Terry Anderson & Frank Aigner for their recent donations to this project. If you would like to donate anything to this project, please send your check to the Club and mark the envelope “Bowling Alley Project.”
We will be hosting an exemplification of the First & Second Degree at our Council Home on Sunday, April 10. If you know of anyone that would like to join, please ask them TODAY!! Get a Form 100 filled out and bring to our meeting on March 3. Full details on the Degrees will be in next month’s Anchor.
Last month’s Anchor had a registration sheet for the KofC retreat to be held on March 25 & 26. Deadline to register is March 5. Please forward your registration form and fee to the address listed in the flyer. If you have any questions, please contact the Club. This promises to be an enriching experience for all in attendance!!
Congratulations to Brother Bill Bravin on his recent retirement as boys & girls Cross Country Coach at Hollidaysburg Area High School after 32 seasons. What an accomplishment!! Bill, if you need to keep in shape, we can put a broom in front of you and you can jog around our ballroom!! Also, Brother Jodi Baum coached Provine Studios to win the Altoona Football League Championship. Good Job Jodi! Brother Jerry Fulare deserves some recognition for coaching the Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic Eighth Grade Softball Team to a 9-0 record in the Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference. Also, recently, Brothers John Carey & Chip Conrad have been recognized in the “25 Years Ago Today” column in the Altoona Mirror for their athletic performances at BG in both football & basketball. In addition, there are many other Knights who give countless hours as volunteer coaches for our local school and community teams!!
Thanks to Brothers Ron (Bob) Smith and Ray Boslett for several “little projects” they completed for us recently. Every little bit helps us a lot. Thanks again!!
The Hollidaysburg Council is sponsoring a 2-day Bus Trip to visit Supreme Council and many of the sights in the area on May 20 & 21. Deadline to sign up for the trip is March 1. If you are interested, please contact Gary Ellis at 695-6844 or Lou Endress at 696-0843 for more details. There is also information posted at our Council.
March 3………………………………………………….Regular Meeting at Council Home, 8 PM Sharp
March 5………………………………………………….Deadline to register for KofC Men’s Retreat
March 6………………………………………………….Basket Bingo
March 9………………………………………………….Ash Wednesday---Lent Begins
March 17……………………………………………….Happy Saint Patrick’s Day
March 25……………………………………………….Annunciation of the Lord and Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child
March 25/26………………………………………….KofC Men’s Retreat
March 29……………………………………………….Knights of Columbus Founders Day, March 29, 1882
April 10………………………………………………….First & Second Degrees
Council #551
- K of C Altoona Council #551
- 1508 12th Ave, Altoona, PA 16601, United States
- phone 814 942-6262 Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm Before the meeting a Rosary is prayed starting at 7:30 pm. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.
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