Council #551

1508 12th Ave, Altoona, PA 16601, United States
phone 814 942-6262 Council meets every 1st Thursday of the month at 8pm Before the meeting a Rosary is prayed starting at 7:30 pm. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Christmas Party 2010

Our annual Children’s Christmas Party was held at the Council Home on Sunday, December 5th in the upstairs ballroom.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb 2011 Anchor Newsletter


My Dear Brother Knights,

Now that we are started into the New Year for our Council, I am happy to report that the cooperation of committees and members in general, has been far beyond my expectations. As a result, any problems that I have had recently seem simple with this fine help. The Council officers also have displayed their helpful spirit in various ways recently. As many of you Brothers know, our Council Home looks better every month and that is the result of a lot of hard work by many of our members. It seems that I am always thanking some officer or member, either in the Anchor or in person and at this time, my gratitude goes to the men who have been so helpful with our building upkeep. Trusting that we may have continued success during the remaining months of this year, I remain…

Sincerely and Fraternally Yours,



We are now open on Friday Nights from 7 PM til ?? Brother Ed Eaton has donated a DVD Player for our Big Screen TV. We usually watch a movie commencing at 9 PM. Light snacks and popcorn are always available and sometimes we have sandwiches as well. So, if you have a favorite movie on DVD, bring it down for others to enjoy also. Our Friday Night bartenders are Brothers Ed Eaton and Glenn Lunger. Both do an excellent job and never miss a Friday. GK Moloney is usually in attendance and you can always count on a 10 PM appearance by Brother JJ O’Donnell. All are welcome!! If you’re looking for something to do on a Friday, stop by & check us out!!


In conjunction with the Daughters of Isabella, Council 551 is co-sponsoring a “Shamrock Basket Bingo” on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at Fr Kelley Hall at St. Therese’s Parish. Tickets are available at the Council Home or by contacting Rick & Lori Tomlinson at 684-0789. Two different ticket packages are available. The prizes for the bingo are Longaberger Baskets from the famous Longaberger Company in Dresden, Ohio. We are in need of donations of items to fill the baskets or cash donations to buy items to fill the baskets. If you are able to donate anything, please contact the club or Rick or Lori at the above number. In addition, we need Knights to help work during the Bingo. Please consider donating a few hours of your time for an enjoyable evening!!


Our pool league has started again under the direction of Brother Shawn Kelley. Our home matches are Feb 16, March 9, March 30, April 13, April 20, and May 5. The matches start at 7 PM on those Wednesday nights. We have some sharp shooters from our Council. This is a fun night, so stop down and cheer our guys on!! Special thanks to Brother Joe Tomlinson for opening up and serving as bartender on pool nights!


To date, we have raised $955.00 toward the cost of this project. The estimated cost to get the lanes back in operating condition is approximately $2000. We are reaching our goal far sooner than we expected. We will be planning a basement clean-up in the near future. Brother Dave Horell has donated all the paint and supplies so we can give every room a fresh coat of paint and we will be able to scrub and seal the floor as well. Kim Moloney has graciously volunteered to wash (or perhaps burn) the curtains as well. We are also looking to replace the ceiling tiles. We will probably get started on the cleaning when the weather breaks. By the way, Brother Joe Gaeto, we would like to have our “Special Deck of Cards” back that we used when we bowled many years ago!! Special thanks to Brothers Terry Anderson & Frank Aigner for their recent donations to this project. If you would like to donate anything to this project, please send your check to the Club and mark the envelope “Bowling Alley Project.”


We will be hosting an exemplification of the First & Second Degree at our Council Home on Sunday, April 10. If you know of anyone that would like to join, please ask them TODAY!! Get a Form 100 filled out and bring to our meeting on March 3. Full details on the Degrees will be in next month’s Anchor.


Last month’s Anchor had a registration sheet for the KofC retreat to be held on March 25 & 26. Deadline to register is March 5. Please forward your registration form and fee to the address listed in the flyer. If you have any questions, please contact the Club. This promises to be an enriching experience for all in attendance!!


Congratulations to Brother Bill Bravin on his recent retirement as boys & girls Cross Country Coach at Hollidaysburg Area High School after 32 seasons. What an accomplishment!! Bill, if you need to keep in shape, we can put a broom in front of you and you can jog around our ballroom!! Also, Brother Jodi Baum coached Provine Studios to win the Altoona Football League Championship. Good Job Jodi! Brother Jerry Fulare deserves some recognition for coaching the Bishop Guilfoyle Catholic Eighth Grade Softball Team to a 9-0 record in the Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference. Also, recently, Brothers John Carey & Chip Conrad have been recognized in the “25 Years Ago Today” column in the Altoona Mirror for their athletic performances at BG in both football & basketball. In addition, there are many other Knights who give countless hours as volunteer coaches for our local school and community teams!!


Thanks to Brothers Ron (Bob) Smith and Ray Boslett for several “little projects” they completed for us recently. Every little bit helps us a lot. Thanks again!!


The Hollidaysburg Council is sponsoring a 2-day Bus Trip to visit Supreme Council and many of the sights in the area on May 20 & 21. Deadline to sign up for the trip is March 1. If you are interested, please contact Gary Ellis at 695-6844 or Lou Endress at 696-0843 for more details. There is also information posted at our Council.


March 3………………………………………………….Regular Meeting at Council Home, 8 PM Sharp

March 5………………………………………………….Deadline to register for KofC Men’s Retreat

March 6………………………………………………….Basket Bingo

March 9………………………………………………….Ash Wednesday---Lent Begins

March 17……………………………………………….Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

March 25……………………………………………….Annunciation of the Lord and Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child

March 25/26………………………………………….KofC Men’s Retreat

March 29……………………………………………….Knights of Columbus Founders Day, March 29, 1882

April 10………………………………………………….First & Second Degrees

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

K of C Retreat Invitation from Father Aron

January 2011 Anchor Newsletter


Brother Knights:

We have now embarked on a new year of Council activities at 551 and with God’s blessings and as good fortune as we had last year, we should be bigger & better in 2011!! Many functions are being planned for 2011. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have a new one, please feel free to bring it up at out meeting on February 3. (There are no dumb ideas.)

My sincere thanks & gratitude go out to the members who worked so hard last year to promote and participate in our various activities and fundraisers. What a great job we did!! From my past experience, I have every right to feel confident that this group (newcomers welcome as well) will continue to do an excellent job!!

Trusting that we may all continue to cooperate and enjoy God’s blessings and success, I remain

Sincerely and fraternally yours,



Unfortunately, we lost four members in the last three months. They are Brother Thomas “Tim” Hallinan who had 60 years service, Brother Ralph Conroy also with 60 years service, Brother and PGK Richard “Dick/Big Dutchie” Epple with 59 years service and Brother Medford Ostrum with 56 years service. These were four outstanding Knights and gentlemen, please keep them and their families in your prayers.


The Daughter’s of Isabella will again be sponsoring the St. Brigid’s Day Dance on Saturday, January 29, 2011. It will be held in our upstairs ballroom, starting at 7 PM. Tickets are $20 per person and include Irish foods, Irish drinks, draft beer, wine, and soda. Entertainment will be provided by the Irish band, Full Kilt. Also available will be 50/50 drawings, Chinese Auction and other prizes. All proceeds benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Assumption Chapel Food Pantry and other charitable activities of the Daughters of Isabella. The last two dances have been

quite memorable and this one promises to be the same. Get your tickets today at the Council Home or by calling Lori Tomlinson at 814-684-1426.


Our annual St. Valentine’s Day Dance will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2011. It will also be held in our upstairs ballroom starting with doors open at 6:30 PM. This is a fundraiser for our Home Association and the upkeep of our building. Show how much of a true Knight you are by attending this fundraiser. Tickets for this event are $15 per person and include DJ entertainment, buffet dinner, draft beer, wine & soda. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) there will be NO karaoke this year. Brother Kevin Byrne said last year of GK Moloney

“Mike, your singing had every dog & cat in the neighborhood throwing up at our back door.” There will also be a Chinese Auction available, 50/50 drawings and door prizes. If you or anyone you know can contribute a prize for any of the activities, please contact Brother Kevin Byrne at 515-0567 to offer your assistance. This is another enjoyable event, so please consider attending!!! Tickets are available at the Council Home or by calling the Club

at 942-6262.


We will be hosting our Free Throw Contest on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at St. Mary’s Hall in Altoona. The free throw contest is open to any children ages 10-14, as of January 1, 2011. 10-11 year olds will shoot at 1:30, 12-13 year olds will shoot at 2:30 and 14 year olds will shoot at 3:30. Pre-registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome. To register, please contact Frank Goss at 329-6094 or, Bill Crawford at 502-7413 or Terry Anderson at 932-0465. It is open to any and all children in those age groups, they do NOT have to

be children of members. All winners at the local level will advance to the District Final to be hosted by the Bellwood Council in late February. Winners at the District Level will advance to the State Finals. Last year we

had a representative of our Council finish Second at the State Level.


Our annual Children’s Christmas Party was a huge success. This was our best one yet with 48 children in attendance. It seems to get bigger & better every year. Food and refreshments were enjoyed by the children and members who were there. Santa Claus, presents and an antique sleigh really made it a memorable day. Thanks to all who helped with this special event. Special thanks to Kim Moloney for all the time and effort she spent in organizing the entire affair. Also, thanks to John & Robin Kessler for use of the sleigh and to all those who

helped set-up and then clean-up after the party. Brother Glenn Lunger took a ton of pictures and many of those

will be uploaded to our Council website ( in the near future.


As mentioned in last month’s Anchor, we sold 130 tickets for this fundraiser. So far, we’ve had five winners from Council 551 with the highest prize being $300 on a ticket sold by GK Moloney. Once again, thanks for selling & buying and congratulations to our winners!!! We hope to sell twice as many next year!!


We are trying to “revamp” our two bowling lanes in the basement. The machines need a little bit of work and the basement as a whole needs a good cleaning and a fresh coat of paint in most areas. We would really like to see

this completed by the Fall of 2011. We have decided to use our monthly ticket money and donations for the cost

of this work. We currently have $400.00 set aside for this project and will need approximately $2000.00 more to complete what we need to do. So, we are asking our Brother Knights who have previously enjoyed good times at our lanes to consider making a donation to this cause. Please forward your donation (no donation is too small) to KofC, Attn: Bowling Lanes, PO Box 711, Altoona, PA 16603. GK Moloney has started us out with a $50 donation on his behalf and an additional donation of $50 in memory of his father, PGK John Moloney. Many

good times were had in the basement, so please help if you can. There is also a donation jar on the bar at the Club!!


The Knights of Columbus District 74 semi-annual meeting will be held at our Council Home on Wednesday, January 19 at 7 PM. Our District Deputy, Bill Erbeck, will be leading the meeting and representatives from the local Councils will be in attendance. All officers of Council 551 are strongly encouraged to attend. Let’s show our District Deputy a good turnout!!


Under the leadership of Father Aron Maghsoudi, Council 551 will be hosting a retreat for any Knights from the Altoona area. The retreat will be on Saturday, March 26 through Sunday, March 27 at St. John the Baptist Retreat Center in beautiful New Baltimore, PA. Please see the attached insert for more details. We hope to make this a successful event and strengthen our relationship with God and Church as a result.



January 17……………………………………………..Martin Luther King, Jr Day

January 24……………………………………………..March for Life, Washington, DC

January 29……………………………………………..Free Throw Contest 1 PM

January 29……………………………………………..St. Brigid’s Day Dance, 7 PM

February 12……………………………………………Valentine’s Day Dance, 6:30 PM

February 14……………………………………………Valentine’s Day

February 21……………………………………………President’s Day

March 26-27…………………………………………..Knights of Columbus Retreat Weekend

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 2010 Newsletter


My Dear Brother Knights:

Another year is quickly coming to a close and yet another fine one it was here at 551. Membership is up as well as meeting attendance. We also completed many improvements at our Council Home as well as the rental units. This was made possible by YOU! I would like to thank all who help out on a regular basis. A lot of hard work has been done in the past year and obviously we are headed in the right direction. Special thanks to Brother Tom Strunk for organizing all the Degrees that were held throughout the year---Thanks Tom!!

Outlook for 2011: St. Brigid’s Day Dance, Valentine’s Day Dance, more Degrees, annual car wash, hoagie sales, family picnic at DelGrosso’s Park, Pirate Game bus trip, annual golf tournament, a Knights of Columbus Family Breakfast Mass and I’m sure I’m missing a few planned events. We have a lot of younger members again with smaller children who are active in the Council. Like it was 30 years ago—remember? A family picnic is the best way to show our appreciation for those families!!

As the Christmas Season fast approaches, please remember to keep Christ in your minds & hearts.




Congratulations to the following new members who took their First & Second Degrees in September here at our Council: Chris Berger, Paul Kantoski & Mike Fleck. Glad to have you aboard and look forward to seeing you around the Council and especially at our monthly meetings!!


Our annual Children’s Christmas Party will be held at the Council Home on Sunday, December 5th from noon until 3 PM in the upstairs ballroom. The party is open to our members’ children and grandchildren. Please sign up at the Council home by November 30, so we can get our shopping list to Santa in time for the party. Please stop by, call the Council Home at 942-6262 or call GK Moloney at 946-0868 to sign up. We need to know the age and gender of each child attending. Special thanks to Kim Moloney for making this party a reality. Santa Claus has already been notified and will be in attendance as well. Again, please sign up no later than November 30.


On October 17, we hosted an exemplification of the Third Degree at our Council Home. A total of 30 gentlemen received the honors of the Third Degree on that day. Our Council was represented by the following 10 members: Chris Berger, Denny Irwin, Charles Kelly, Shawn Kelly, Ray Kennedy, Brian Kirkpatrick, Tony Lombardo, Glen Lunger, Shane Tomlinson, and Stu Trotter. Congratulations!!!


Football Tickets: We sold 130 Football Sweepstakes tickets for a net profit to the Council of $320. Thanks to all who bought or sold these tickets.

Hoagie Sale: We sold 700 hoagies at our most recent hoagie sale for a net profit of approx $1200. Thanks to all members and their families who bought or sold the hoagies with a special thanks to all those who met to make the hoagies. We had just enough help and were able to make the hoagies in just over 2 hours time.

C.O.A.L. Tickets: If you haven’t bought or returned your tickets yet, please do so as soon as you can. Our final turn in date is November 22.

All profits from these fundraisers go into our accounts to help with our charitable activities throughout the year. Again, thanks to all those who participated in any of these endeavors.


If you need to borrow “anything” from our Council Home, you must contact our Home Association President, Joe Tomlinson, at 943-8385 and get his ‘OK’ before taking anything out of the building. Our members are welcome to use our equipment; we just ask that you contact Joe before taking anything. Please return any borrowed items in a timely manner. “Do not just come in and help yourself.” We simply cannot afford to lose any of our “stuff!!”


Our Free Throw Contest for kids ages 10-14 will be held in late January. More details next month!!


Please keep an eye on your mailbox!! Your annual dues notice should be received in early December. Please pay your dues promptly so that we can meet our obligations to the State and Supreme Councils in a timely manner. If you have any questions or concerns when you receive your dues notice, please contact our Financial Secretary, Frank Goss, at 329-6094 or via email at


Our 10th Supreme Knight was Luke E. Hart who served from 1954 to 1964. Brother Hart served as a Supreme Officer for nearly 42 years, first as a Supreme Advocate, then as Supreme Knight. He launched the Catholic Advertising Program to “correct false notions about our faith,” and coordinated funding for the microfilming of more than 40,000 Vatican Library Documents, making them available to scholars outside the Vatican for the first time. Hart modernized the business operations of the Order as membership increased to more than 1 million and insurance in force surpassed $1 Billion. He successfully lobbied for the election of Supreme Officers by the Board of Directors rather than by the General Convention. He was the first Supreme Knight to move to New Haven and actually resided in the headquarters building until his death in 1964. Hart is also remembered for his leadership in the getting the words “under God” added to the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, Hart presented President Kennedy with a framed copy of the Pledge in commemoration of the Order’s role in the addition of “under God” to the Pledge in 1961.

Dates to Remember

November 25……………………………Happy Thanksgiving!!

November 29……………………………First Day of Deer Season—Good Luck Hunters!!

November 30……………………………Deadline to sign-up for the Children’s Christmas Party

December 2………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting at 8 PM.

December 5………………………………Children’s Christmas Party, Noon—3 PM

December 25……………………………Merry Christmas!!

December 26……………………………Happy Kwanzaa

January 1………………………………Happy New Year’s and the Solemnity of Mary.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anchor Newsletter for October 2010


My Dear Brother Knights,

A trip down memory lane…. Recently, I’ve been recalling all the memories I have here at 551. I remember coming down to the Club as a child and watching my father and Brother Knights bowling on our lanes. I remember soda & chips and falling asleep on the old yellow sofa. I remember roaming the building and playing as kids with Frank Goss, Jr & Tony Boslett. I remember my godfather buying me a candy bar and slipping it to me after my father said “NO.” I remember the family picnics at Lakemont, Christmas Parties, Father & Son Breakfasts and downtown parades. When I joined in 1987 I immediately became active. I remember bartending on Thursday nights and my father & Frank Goss, Sr yelling at me for throwing out their “impregnated ice.” I remember the Saturday morning cleanings of the Council Home with my father, Frank Goss, Sr, Randy Shuma & Sam Coen (we always finished by 11 so we could have a nip.) I remember tournament week, bowling tournaments (some of them anyway) and Don Gallice with his camera. I remember pool leagues, pool & bowling banquets, stag picnics at Camp St. Leo. I remember taking all three of my Degrees upstairs and the meals afterwards. I remember bringing my children down on weekends, Michael Jr. standing on an empty cardboard box filling glasses with ice with his grandfather. I remember my daughter Jenny getting her head stuck in the bar railing, spilling her pop and quickly falling asleep on the chair.

So, I ask all of you to take a few minutes and think of a memory you have from our Council from the past. I’m sure you have plenty!! And, please don’t forget them!! There are lots more memories to be made in the future. Stop by and reflect with us…we are here every Thursday & Friday Night!!! If you have something special you’d like to see in future editions of the Anchor, please call the Club & let me know and we’ll fit it in!!!!




Our final hoagie sale of 2010 will be on Thursday, November 4. Hoagies are a bargain at $4 each. Order forms are available at the Club. ALL ORDERS **MUST** BE CALLED INTO THE CLUB BY 9 PM ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31. Please call the Council Home at 942-6262 to place your order. We will be building the hoagies on Wednesday, November 3 at 6 PM. We need all the help we can get, so if you are available, please plan to stop by the Club and help with the orders. Please buy or sell as many as you can!! Think about it: our hoagie is the best balanced sandwich you can eat! It contains the 4 basic food groups. Stay healthy---eat KofC hoagies!! Order for the whole family. Wives, you can have a night off from cooking!! Please help make this a successful sale!!! Thanks for your support.


At our regular council meeting on 10/7, the following Brother Knights were elected to serve a 2-year term on our Home Association Board of Directors: Keegan Allen, Kevin Byrne, Denny Irwin, Joe Tomlinson, and Rick Tomlinson. These gentlemen will join the remaining board members for the next year. The remaining members are Terry Anderson, Bill Crawford, Frank Goss and Ron Smith. The current Grand Knight is also automatically a member of the Board as well. The first meeting of the new board will be held on Sunday, October 31 at 7 PM. At this meeting the Board will elect new officers for the coming year. The Board is made up of nine elected members who serve alternating 2-year terms. If you have questions for the Board, please contact any of the Board members.


There will be a Pie Sale to benefit the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry at the Assumption Chapel. The pies are from the Pie Shoppe in Laughlintown and include an assorted variety of fruit and meringue pies as well as pumpkin rolls. All items will be sold for $8.00. Order forms will be available at our Council Home during October. The pies can be picked up at the Assumption Chapel on Saturday, November 13 between 10 AM and 2 PM. The last day to place orders is Thursday, October 28. Payment will be due at the time of pick-up. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.


These need to be turned in ASAP—sold or unsold. Thank you for your support in buying & selling these tickets. It’s not too late to buy either of these. Both of these ticket programs provide a financial boost to our Council with no downside. Stop by and drop yours off today!!!


We were able to raise $144 with our recent Hoss’s fundraiser night on September 26. Many of our Brother Knight’s and their families enjoyed a night out for dinner at Hoss’s. Thanks to all those who took advantage and dined at Hoss’s!! This program also has no cost nor downside to our Club. We simply receive a donation back from Hoss’s based on the amount of money spent on that day by our members. Thank you to DGK Frank Misitano for initiating and chairing this event. Way to go Frank!! Look for another Hoss’s night in the Spring.


Our home schedule for the rest of the Fall Season follows: October 20, November 10, and November 24. Matches start at 7 PM on these Wednesdays. Stop in and see our guys shoot. We thank Brother Knight Shawn Kelly for all of his efforts. Looking forward to next year.


Our annual Children’s Christmas Party will be held in December. More details on the exact date and time will be in next month’s Anchor.

2011 DUES

You will receive your annual dues notice sometime in December. Upon receipt, please pay your dues promptly as that enables us to pay our assessments in a timely manner.



October 31…………………………………… Happy Halloween!!

November 2……………………………………Election Day. Do your civic duty & vote!!

November 4……………………………………Regular Monthly Meeting @ 8 PM

November 7……………………………………Daylight Savings Time Ends, “Fall Back”

November 11…………………………………..Veteran’s Day…Thank a Vet!!

November 25…………………………………..Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Anchor Newsletter September 2010


My Dear Brother Knights:

Many years ago Shakespeare wrote “This news is old enough, yet it is everyday’s news.” Someone once put it “Everything that happens everyday to everybody is news to somebody.” So Brothers, our Council Meetings are held the First Thursday of every month at 8 PM. Every Grand Knight has begged for your presence so that you can help your Council. It is sad to relate that our Council is compelled to suspend members for non-payment of dues and apparent lack of interest. Can we not also say that sometimes the sponsor has been lax as well? It is the sponsor’s job to arouse the enthusiasm of their new members to a level that will make him want to come to our meetings on a regular basis. If he begins to drop away, for any reason, he should be told by his sponsor that his absence is felt, his fellowship wanted.




Council 551 Grand Knights, Most Terms: Frank Goss Jr.-7, George Klesius-5, Mike Moloney-4, John Sheedy-3, Vincent Stevens-2, Francis Barron-2, John Moloney-2, and Jim Kilcoyne-2. Too many 1-year Grand Knights to list them all. Our current GK: “I’m going to try to break the 7-year record if I’m worthy and then hopefully resign!! Maybe?!?”


We will be hosting our annual “Blue & White Mass” on Saturday, September 11, 2010, commencing with the 5 PM Mass at the Cathedral with Bishop Joseph Adamec as principal celebrant. All members and families are invited and encouraged to attend. A reception will be held following the Mass in our upstairs ballroom at the Council Home. This Mass honors all who perform a public service and keep us safe.


In order to make this a successful event, we need your help. We will be meeting upstairs on Thursday, September 9th at 7 PM to clean the upstairs hall and set-up for the reception. Kitchen help and food prep assistance will be needed on Friday, September 10th at 6:30 PM and finishing Saturday morning, 9/11, at 9 AM. If you can spare an hour or two at any of these times, please come to the Council Home & help us out. Finally, we will need help on Saturday evening during the reception itself. If you are able to help on Saturday evening, please call the Council Home at 942-6262 and let us know you’ll be there. We would like to see some new faces pitch in and help the regulars. Brother Leo Winkler is once again serving as chairman of this project.


We will be hosting exemplifications of the First and Second Degree on Sunday, September 19th. The First Degree will begin promptly at 1 pm with the Second following at 2:30. A light lunch and refreshments will be available following the Second Degree. Candidates for the First Degree must be at the Council Home by 12:30 PM at the latest. Candidates for the Second Degree, who are not taking the First, must be at the Council Home by 2 PM. If you sponsored someone to join our Council, you should have received a letter with all these details as well. Please contact your candidate today and offer to pick them up and accompany them to the Degree Ceremonies. All current members are invited to attend as observers, but please make sure you have your current membership card with you. Dress code for the Degree is coat & tie. If you have a candidate who wants to attend, or need additional information, please contact the Council Home at 942-6262 for FS Frank Goss at 329-6094 or In addition, we will be hosting a Third Degree on October17—more details in next month’s Anchor.


We are sponsoring a fundraiser through Hoss’s Restaurant on Pleasant Valley Blvd in Altoona on Sunday, September 26. We have enclosed a ticket in this mailing for you to present when paying your bill after eating. As long as you present the ticket, our Council will receive a minimum of 20% of your total order as a donation to the Club from Hoss’s. There is no additional cost to you or to the Club. If you are looking for a reason to eat at Hoss’s, this is it. You can enjoy a good meal and make a donation to the Club at the same time!! If you will not be using the enclosed card, please give it to someone who can. Or, please send it back to us, so we can distribute it elsewhere. Anybody can use the card---not just a member!! If you need more, please stop by the Club & pick them up. Thanks to DGK Frank Misitano for implementing this program.


Also enclosed with the Anchor is a booklet of “Chance of a Lifetime (C.O.A.L.)” tickets. 16 fabulous prizes will be given away on December 8, 2010. Tickets are $5 per book or $1 each. Please buy or sell your booklet and return your money and tickets to the Club ASAP. The sooner we turn them in, the more profit we make. In addition, we now have our Football Sweepstakes Tickets available at the Club. If you would like to purchase a ticket, please stop by or send us a check for $10 for each ticket you would like to purchase and we will return the ticket stub to you. These tickets return a percentage of sales back to our Club which then helps support our charitable activities throughout the year.


If you are a former Fourth Degree Color Guard member and are no longer willing or able to participate, but would be willing to donate or lend any of your Color Guard attire, please contact Brother Tom Strunk at 942-9105.


This tournament was held at Sinking Valley Country Club on August 20, 2010. We put together a team of 8 Golfers and won everything. Foursomes were split among participating Councils. By winning the team competition, we are holding the rotating trophy at the Council Home until next year’s tournament in Greenville, PA. Congratulations to the following Brothers who helped Council 551 to victory: Mike Allen, Bill Allen, Todd Homan, John Carey, Frank Goss, Terry Anderson, Ron (Bob) Smith and Jim Showalter. We are proud of you guys!! Next year’s tournament will be hosted by the Joseph J. Fitzmartin Council #1446 in at the Greens of Greenville. Let’s bring the trophy back for another year!


Congratulations to Barton’s Plumbing who won the Logan Twp Youth Baseball League Championship. Brother Tony Gibbons is a coach and his son plays for Bartons. Also, congrats to Carlin & Assoc for winning the Altoona Independent Minor League Championship. Brother Kurt Schimminger is a coach with his son Nick a player as well. Good job Brothers!!


On August 21, we held our 2nd Annual Car Wash. We were able to raise $500 for the American Cancer Society for our efforts. Thanks to all who helped, especially Brother Tom Potopa & Rocky 104.9 who donated a two-hour live remote broadcast to help promote our event. GK Moloney: “It’s always good to see Tommy!! One of these Thursday nights, I’m going to drag him out of his house (I will probably need some help!!) and bring him down to the Club. Thanks to all for a job well done!!”


Today…………………………………………………Return Your C.O.A.L. tickets and order football tickets

September 11……………………………………..Blue Mass, 5 PM Cathedral, Reception following at Council Home

September 22……………………………………..First Day of Fall

September 26……………………………………..Hoss’s Fundraiser

October 7…………………………………………..Regular Council Meeting, 8 PM Sharp.


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